Current Job Openings

2024-2025 School Year

Contact our School, or call 502-633-4070


Job Opportunities

Currently seeking a credentialed teacher for a new 3rd Grade Classroom

Currently seeking teachers for Middle School and High School Math

Currently seeking Middle School and High School Bible Teachers

Currently seeking a Part-Time Luncroom Monitor

Application Forms

2024-2025 School Year

Employment Application


We realize that the key to a successful Christian school is its faculty and staff. We are seeking applicants who are professionally qualified, who love children, and are Christian role models called to serve the ministry of teaching.

Declaration of Moral Integrity

Declaration of Moral Integrity

CCA expects all of its employees and its volunteers with unsupervised access to children to model the same Christian values and lifestyle that it seeks to instill in its students. Each must agree to live by the Christian moral standards of the school.

Lifestyle Statement

Lifestyle Statement

CCA is a religious, nonprofit organization representing Jesus Christ in the local community. It requires its employees to be born-again Christians who live their lives as Christian role models (Romans 10:9-10, 1 Timothy4:12, Luke 6:40).